Digital Assets and Securities Advisors

Everything You Need To Integrate Web3 Compliantly in the U.S and beyond
From business plans, strategy, and marketing, to development and design, along with assistance during and investor relations services after, DASA is your one stop shop to launch or integrate web3 businesses and projects, and conduct security token offerings in a compliant manner around the world, including the U.S.
Our Experience Makes The Difference
In a new industry, we're old players. We've run our own fintech firms, tutoring companies, marketing agencies, security token consultancies, university entrepreneurship centers, and more. We're also located on both coasts in sunny Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California (so it's always a nice time to visit).

DASA Advisors
Consulting and advising for issuers of digital securities, including general strategy, market reports, and consultants to fill in any tasks required by the fundraise. DASA Advisors are guides through the new web3 and compliance landscape.

DASA Agency
DASA Agency provides marketing, web 2.0 and web 3.0 development, graphic design, and go to market strategy for launching your digital assets. We've helped dozens of issuers launch successfully over the years and can help you too.

DASA Accelerator
Whether you are starting a brand new concept, or are interested in integrating web3 into your existing business or process, our inaugural accelerator class will begin taking applications in early 2023.

Adrian E. Alvarez, Esq.
Co-Founder / Lead Advisor
A three-time alumnus of the University of Miami, Adrian has a wealth of experience running the University's entrepreneurship center, The Launch Pad, as well as co-founding multiple successful startups, including his other day job InvestReady. He specializes in strategy & startup consulting. Adrian is also fluent in Spanish, and enjoys karaoke and going to theme parks with his son during his free time.

Jessica Burns
Co-founder / Marketing Lead
Jessica Burns is a serial entrepreneur who has been operating in the Miami space for many years, seeing the landscape of product development, marketing and implementation change over in real time. In addition to founding and running the City Social Agency, Jessica also runs Miami Boutique Pink Coral Miami & popular blog ‘Tagged In Miami’. She specializes in providing Marketing and Investor Relations services to DASA clients.

Josh Lawler, Esq.
Co-founder / Compliance Lead
A dedicated futurist, Mr. Lawler brings enthusiasm and excitement to cutting edge projects. In addition to legal counsel, Mr. Lawler excels at providing solutions for clients with his significant problem solving skills and practical business advice. Many of Mr. Lawler’s clients rely on him as outside general counsel. Mr. Lawler counsels clients in respect to securities and regulatory matters, including issue of tokens and digitized assets.

Tom Zuber, Esq.
Co-Founder / Future Tech & IP Lead
Mr. Zuber is a leading voice within a variety of emerging industries and technologies. Mr. Zuber often works with companies in relation to Web3, esports, quantum computing, cleantech, legalized cannabis, and legalized psychedelics. Prior to founding Zuber Lawler, Mr. Zuber practiced in the Intellectual Property Litigation Department of the New York office of White & Case LLP, and then in the Intellectual Property Litigation Department of the Los Angeles office of O’Melveny & Myers LLP.